
Edison Families,

We are excited about this school year! We had an incredible first day. As we continue to get more efficient with our procedures and processes, I want to share some information regarding car line and dismissal.

1) Bus/Car lines will dismiss first 

2) When the carline is complete, walkers (any student not riding a bus or leaving in the car line) will be released. 

For the safety of our students, walk up parents must go to the designated location to pick up their children. We have worked to expedite the time in the carline and will continue to become more efficient and timely. If you can help us with the following procedure, we will get you in and out as quickly as possible.

  1. Please have your child’s carline placard visible while in the carline. There will be several people reading it to make sure students are put into the correct vehicle. 

  2. If you have a car seat, please make sure it is on the passenger side of the car.  All of our students are put in on the passenger side - not the driver’s side. 

  3. Our staff will assist your child into the vehicle. You will not need to get out of your car. If your child needs assistance to buckle, please pull forward out of the car line to assist them. 

I appreciate you sharing your child with us each and every day. Thank you so much for your understanding as we work to make our procedures more efficient and safe for all. 


Jennifer Langston
Edison Principal